Anna Altukhova
Academic interests: Disability studies, Medical Anthropology, Visual Anthropology
Education: 2012 – MA in Design and Photojournalism, St. Petersburg State University
2017 – MA in Cultural Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, European University at St. Petersburg
2017 – 2020 – PhD student, European University at St. Petersburg
Research project: “Life course and moral career of graduates of boarding schools for mentally retarded children in modern Russia”
Work: 2019-2020 – researcher in the research project “Disability as a sociocultural phenomenon in the post-Soviet space: socio-anthropological and cross-cultural analysis”
2016 – 2017 – researcher in the research project “Children and Adults with Intellectual Disability: Study of a Social Construction of Disability in Family Settings and Community Care Rehabilitation Centers” (supported by “Stupeni” and “Vykhod” foundations)
2011 – 2015 – special education teacher, film director, film editor in “Da Studio” Non-commercial Organization
Other: Co-organizer of the regular seminar “Socio-Anthropological Studies of Medicine and Disability”, 2018-2019, European University at St. Petersburg
Co-organizer of the regular seminar “Workshop for researchers”, 2019-2020, European University at St. Petersburg
International conferences (selected)
- Disability as performance: the benefits of being “labeled”: and social status construction in community care projects // ASEEES 2018, Boston, 6-9 December 2018
- Negotiations on guidance and independence between staff and residents in an assisted living project // The Aleksanteri Institute of the University of Helsinki will hold the 18th Annual International Aleksanteri Conference LIBERATION – FREEDOM – DEMOCRACY? 1918–1968–2018, Aleksanteri University, Helsinki, 24-26 October 2018
- Childhood Memories and Construction of the Past in the Narratives of
Deinstitutionalized Adults with Learning Disabilities // Swedish Anthropological Association (SANT) / Finnish Anthropological Society (FAS) 2018 Conference: Vulnerabilities, Uppsala, Sweden, 18-22 April 2018
Recent publications
- Altukhova A., Klepikova A., Lubyankina E.
Families with Children with Disabilities in Present-days Russia: Institutional Barriers and Ways to Overcome // Tsennost kazhdogo. Uluchshenie kachestva zhizni detey i vzroslyih s tyazhelyimi i mnozhestvennyimi narusheniyami razvitiya (TMNR). – M.:Terevinf, 2018. Pp. 96-103. - Altukhova A. Disability as performance: residents’ self-presentation strategies in community care projects // Invalidy – Invalidnost – Invalidizatsia. N.Novgorod, NISOC, 2018. Pp. 806-810.
- The rural idyll: intellectual disability in the context of rural community group homes // Obratnaya storona luny ili chto my ne znaem ob invalidnosti teoriya reprezentacii praktiki. Moscow: OOO “MBA”, 2018. Pp. 323-355.
- Intellectual Disability and Illness: The case of community care in group homes // Antropologicheskiy Forum, 2018. No. 37. Pp. 120-148.
- “Working for pleasure, not for money”: different employment approaches for people with intellectual disabilities // Antropologia. Folkloristika. Sociolingvistika. Sbornik tezisov. SPb: EUSP, 2017, p. 8-11 //
- “I’ve always had problems with leisure”: Time-management education for people with intellectual disabilities in the community care settings // Antropologiya vremeni. Sbornik tezisov. Moscow: RSHU, 2017.