Igor Savin

Igor Savin

Igor Savin

Leading  Research Fellow in Center “History and Ethnology”, South Kazakh State University ( since 2011),  Senior Research Fellow, head of Central Asian sector  in Centre on research of Central Asia and Caucasus, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow ( Since 2007). He also worked in several international projects focusing on Minority issues in Kazakhstan and Central Asia in collaboration with High Commissioner on National Minority OSCE since 1998. In 2010 Igor Savin worked as consultant and field researcher for Independent International Commission for Inquiry into the events in the Southern part of Kyrgyz Republic. In 2016 and 2017 he was  a National expert of IOM in Kazakhstan.

Igor Savin was graduated in 1986 (MA in History) in Chimkent Pedagogical Institute, had PhD in History (interethnic relations in Kazakhstan in 1990th) in Institute of ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). He had a Certificate for Conflict resolution in Post-Soviet States in Richardson Institute on Conflict Resolution (Lancaster University, UK) January-February 1997 and Certificate on Training of Diversity Trainers Basic Skills and Competencies for Teaching Diversity Management  Local Government Initiative, Management Multiethnic Communities Program of the Open Society Institute, Budapest, November 2008.        

Her areas of expertise relate to social aspects of migration, integration of labour migrant in recipient societies, minority issues. Mr Savin is a national of Kazakhstan and speaks English, Russian and Kazakh.  He is the author of more than 120 articles and chapters of Monographs, published in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Italy, USA, Germany, Hungary. 
