Lyubov Torlopova

Lyubov Torlopova

Torlopova Lubov

I got a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Philosophy. Now I am a PhD candidate in Social Philosophy from Tomsk State University with experience of studying for one track of the Master’s program “Global Health. Innovations” at Maastricht University. My science work is based on empirical research and incorporating philosophy in a such practical theme as disability studies. 

Research interests: science and technology studies, social innovations, disability studies, inclusive art, innovations for health, infrastructuring, mobility studies, spatial studies, e-health, camera (photo) ethnography, empirical philosophy.


  1. Torlopova L.A. (2018)  Russian sociomedical expertise as a rite of passage // Ethnographic Review. (In Russian)
  2. Torlopova L.A. (2017)  The Ontological assemblage of disability in the context of practices of The Bureau of Sociomedical expertise // Sociology of power. № 4. (In Russian)
  3. Torlopova L.A. (2017) The Bureau of Sociomedical Expertise: is it institution “for disabled people”? // Collection of the conference of Russian Association of Women’s History researchers. 2017. Pp. 196-199. (In Russian)
  4. Torlopova L.A. (2017) A medical, political, and philosophical work on boundaries of the definition of disability // Anthropology in search of a new describing language: Papers. Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk St. University. 2016. Pp. 137-139. (In Russian)
  5. Torlopova L. (2016) A criterial characteristics of world- level University: experience of the internship at the University of Maastricht // Journal of Economics, Profession, and Business, № 4. In RISQ. Pp. 90-95. (In Russian)
  6. Torlopova L. (2016) Genealogy of the “disability” concept / Actual problems of Analytical Philosophy // Proceedings of the International Scientific conference. Tomsk: Publishing House of the TSU. Pp. 92-102. (In Russian)
  7. Torlopova L. (2015) Sonar glove for blind and visually impaired people in developing countries as India, Paper for exam on Medical Mobility course, Maastricht University (In English)
  8. Torlopova L. (2013). Semantic analysis of the cultural concept of “freedom” / Science. Technology. Innovation // Proceedings of the Scientific Conference of Young Scientists in 10 parts, part 9. Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the NSTU. Pg. 146-148. (In Russian)