Webinar of the Research Group on the Anthropology of Disability

Webinar of the Research Group on the Anthropology of Disability

Dear colleagues,

We invite you to participate in the forthcoming seminar/webinar of the Research Group on the Anthropology of Disability of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences. The seminar/webinar will take place at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Rozhdestvenka str., 12, of.319 (Moscow, Russia) and in on-line format. On April 28 at 6.00 p.m.

Viacheslav A. Lipatov, PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia) will present a talk “New methodologies: vulnerability of disabled and other groups to natural disasters in post-Soviet countries.”.

Studying vulnerability to floods and natural disasters is an important area in the hazard and disaster community. The need for such information is critical for authorities and residents because in developing disaster risk reduction strategies, it is necessary to know who and what is most vulnerable.

Social vulnerability defines hazards and their impact in a broader social context and is equally important in understanding the impact of disasters on disabled and other groups of population. The concept of vulnerability has changed over the past 20 years. Although several social indices exist, the development of metrics and models of social vulnerability is at different levels of development in the USA, Russian Federation and other countries. This presentation aims to verify Western methodologies in post-Soviet countries. The south of Russia where catastrophic floods of 2002, 2012 and 2021 resulted in enormous fatalities and huge economic damage was selected for the study.

It is supposed to reduce vulnerability to floods and other natural disasters in the Krasnodar krai by developing an effective digital information system. Applications for smartphones and the system of push notifications about adverse meteorological phenomena generated by an automated monitoring system Emercit will allow the blind and visually impaired, as well as other groups of the population, to significantly increase an adaptive capacity to these natural disasters.

To connect the webinar –


ID of the conference – 811 2698 1966

Code –  944122
